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JD Gallagher - Lancaster Logo

JD Gallagher - Lancaster

66 Market Street, Lancaster, LA1 1HP
It's official. We are ranked as the No.1 Estate Agent in the UK by the Property Academy in conjunction with Rightmove! JDG is not like any other agent. Our business revolves around the constant and unrelenting mission to make the journey of people looking to move home more comfortable. This began over 30 years ago, when our Founder John Gallagher, decided to open his own estate agency that would have the interests of the seller being happy at the heart of the business. A lot has changed in 30 years but one thing remains the same. At JDG we do not follow the crowd, we do not care what ‘estate agents’ do, we look outside of our industry to implement things that make our client's life just that little bit more comfortable and easier. We always believe in great communication with the personal touch. We might embrace the latest in technology, yet we do not hide behind emails. We do not want to be another faceless business. As BT once famously said, “It’s good to talk”. The new world of marketing and technology can be a scary place, leading to most businesses just sticking to what they know but at JDG our clients do not have to worry about this as we push the boundaries of technology to not only achieve the best price for their property but to make their life as convenient as possible leading to the 2-time best-selling business author, Mark Burgess, recently commenting: “What Michelle is doing at JDG is an incredible example of innovation.” In fact, our targeted marketing and advertising on social media have achieved top scores for the past 7 years, making us the agent of choice for vendors and landlords who want to embrace technology in a personal way in order to get the best possible price for their home or property. From the first moments of dealing with us you will see the difference with many of our initial market appraisals taking place via video call allowing our clients the minimum amount of disruption before they decide if they would like to give up any more of their valuable time. Our results speak for themselves. Rightmove rates us as the number one agent for sales agreed in our area. Get Agent ranks us as the fastest-selling agent AND we are also rated as having achieved the highest sales price for properties in the area too. We can now add to our accolade that we have just been ranked in the Best Estate Agent Guide as the UK’s, NUMBER ONE estate agent for both sales and lettings! All of which we are incredibly proud of but it is the happiness of our clients and the fact that we are fulfilling our mission of making the home moving process more comfortable that we are most proud. This is best explained by our previous clients - please check out our reviews over on our website or google!

Opening hours

  • Monday 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Wednesday 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Thursday 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Saturday 9:00am - 4:00pm
  • Sunday Closed
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JD Gallagher - Lancaster Reviews (10)

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  5. 10% 1/5 Stars

Anonymous Homeseller

1/5 Stars
Told people they showed around negative reports about the decor not very professional And never sold the house we changed from them... Read more
1st Oct 2023 (8 mo. ago)

Anonymous Homeseller

5/5 Stars
JDG has very rich knowledge about the local market and did a good job in helping us find a suitable buyer.... Read more
11th Sep 2023 (8 mo. ago)

Anonymous Homeseller

5/5 Stars
Property sold within a week — what more can I say... Read more
8th Sep 2023 (8 mo. ago)

Anonymous Homeseller

3/5 Stars
In the early stages, Michelle Gallagher won my confidence and gained my instruction by giving me guidance that no other local agent provided -- about sales strategy, getting a condition report, and identifying contractors to perform necessary works. She was resourceful and engaged. Two of the principal staff members in the back office were also capable, efficient, and a pleasure to deal with. Unfortunately, the first set of viewings were marred by the fact that a plasterer had, without informing me, gone into the property ahead of schedule and caused chaos, including leaving bare wires poking out of ceilings. He was supposed to do the work in a period between viewings, a plan I discussed carefully and extensively with JDG, but he didn't stick to the plan. I had already moved to London. The plasterer had lost my phone number and so I was none the wiser. He left a prominent note in the property reporting the situation and explaining why he hadn't been able to tell me of his unscheduled visit. Despite regular feedback about the numerous viewings that took place in this period, no one from JDG thought of telling me of the chaotic situation they found, with dismounted lights and the electricity switched off at the mains. I still find that unfathomable. So the numerous viewings before I visited in person and rectified the situation probably did more harm than good. I had spent a considerable time making the property impeccable for marketing purposes so I was frustrated at the failure of communication. Obviously, the first set of viewings generated no offers and then petered out. I lowered the price by £10,000 and achieved a very quick sale, but that price was considerably below the valuation. We'll never know what would have happened if the first set of viewings had gone as they should have. Although JDG has installed an efficient system for regularly providing feedback on viewings, its staff members dealing with viewings went through its steps unthinkingly and mechanically. They showed no initiative by failing to inform me of the serious problem that each prospective buyer encountered. You never get a second change to make a first impression. I was told that I would receive an explanation but never did. Instead, when telling me of the successful offer, the owner of the business gave me a telling off for the feedback I had given one of his employees. When I explained what had gone wrong, he covered up his bullying with more bluster. JDG has installed a system to help it deal with the high volume of business that it attracts but a system is only as good as those who implement it. The best system can be undone by the poor judgment of crucial staff members, and I am afraid on this occasion the viewings team let the agency down. The bottom line is that I am happy to have sold the property but the journey was bumpier than it should have been.... Read more
19th Aug 2023 (9 mo. ago)

Anonymous Homeseller

5/5 Stars
Excellent service, would thoroughly recommend ... Read more
26th Aug 2022 (1 year ago)

Anonymous Homeseller

5/5 Stars
Extremely helpful,kept me updated all the way... Read more
26th May 2022 (2 years ago)

Anonymous Homeseller

5/5 Stars
After an initial discussion about valuation (I wanted to market the property at £10,000 more than they suggested) we put it up and had a full asking offer within the week. All through the process JDG were thoroughly professional and helpful. Very pleased with the service. ... Read more
11th Feb 2022 (2 years ago)

Anonymous Homeseller

4/5 Stars
A few hiccups quickly sorted out with minimum fuss . Good communications throughout the selling process.House sold stress free at a fair price . Very happy ... Read more
22nd Dec 2021 (2 years ago)

Anonymous Homeseller

5/5 Stars
I'd like to thank everyone at jd Gallagher. I had my house valued as I needed to remortgage. I want to say from the start that they never made a penny out of me but still showed me so much selfless compassion and gave excellent advice even giving me numbers for people who could help me get threw probably the most difficult time of my life Michelle was very patient and saw I was in a fragile state from the first time we spoke I would recommend you to use this excellent company I would not hesitate and I hope to use jd Gallagher in the future thank you so much... Read more
31st May 2021 (3 years ago)

Anonymous Homeseller

5/5 Stars
We sold pretty well straight away for full asking price. We felt their video and photography in brochure were excellent. Good communication all along the way. Friendly, approachable, but professional.... Read more
10th Feb 2021 (3 years ago)

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