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The Property Centre - Stroud

Opens Monday at 9:00am
55 London Road, GL5 2AD
The Property Centre Stroud are an estate agent in Stroud. They mainly list properties in GL5, GL10 and GL6. Over the last 6 months, they've listed 96 properties, with 59 currently on the market. Most of the properties listed have 3 bedrooms. They list properties for sale on Zoopla, Rightmove and OnTheMarket.

Opening hours

  • Monday 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Tuesday 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Wednesday 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Sunday 10:30am - 4:00pm
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The Property Centre - Stroud Reviews (5)

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  2. 20% 4/5 Stars
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  4. 0% 2/5 Stars
  5. 20% 1/5 Stars

Anonymous Homeseller

5/5 Stars
Very easy to book valuation, man who came out was very knowledgable of the area, very pleasant, explained everything in detail.... Read more
22nd Mar 2024 (10 weeks ago)

Anonymous Homeseller

5/5 Stars
We had a lot more viewers with the property centre than our previous agent,kept informed of offers or reasons for no offer.... Read more
14th Mar 2024 (11 weeks ago)

Anonymous Homeseller

4/5 Stars
Professional friendly and courteous service... Read more
29th Jun 2023 (11 mo. ago)

Anonymous Homeseller

5/5 Stars
The whole team at The Property Centre were great throughout - friendly, enthusiastic & efficient. This is a well run branch led by Emily & clearly staff morale is high. I would certainly recommend them.... Read more
11th Sep 2020 (3 years ago)

Anonymous Homeseller

1/5 Stars
Avoid at all costs! Catalogue of errors and lied to from the very start. The valuation went well and they valued our house at a lot higher than we originally thought, promising us 30-40 people at the open house. The person that valued it said he would be with us through-out the whole process and that he was the manager of the Stroud branch. We signed up with them as they seems to be very professional promising to come out to take photos in the next few days etc. We then had a call the next day from the person that valued the property to say he was moving to a different branch and we'd now be looked after by a senior sales person. He said if we weren't happy with the service at any stage then we could pull out and the contracts would be ignored which seemed fair. This later turned out be false and the person wasn't actually the branch manager at all, he was just covering for a few days and had no authority to over right the contract! We then had a lady come out to take photos of our property, she was nice enough but could no way use a camera! I though maybe they would look better on the brochure etc so kept quiet! She promised that the brochure draft would be sent over by lunch time the following day. I had to chase for the draft copy the afternoon of the following day as I'd had no communication from them. 5pm that afternoon they send me the draft copy which turned out to be someone else's house! Finally I got a copy of our brochure through which looked completely awful; bad pictures, no floor plan, one sentence for the description! I took all new pictures of the property myself and wrote a description worth while (our property was less than a year old so hardly hard to put together a good description!). After a couple of days I received the brochure back with my changes and was happy to put it on the market. The open house was two weeks after the property went on the market (apparently they needed two weeks to generate interest!). They had promised on the valuation 30-40 people, it was sell no problem at open house etc. TPC came up with 3 viewing for the open house, if that was bad enough NO ONE TURNED UP! An open house for a brand new 3 double bed home in the town centre and they couldn't get ONE viewing, appalling! We then had a meeting with the real branch manager to talk about the problems that have gone wrong etc, they said they had accidently valued our house at 20K over what it should be and advised us to lower it by that amount! We had other valuations which came in at higher so didn't really agree with this solution. We had our hopes on another house that had just gone on the market so felt like we had no other option but to take their advice and lower the asking price. We then had a viewing and sold to a couple for under the asking price again, this was no £30k under what the property was valued at. With no other viewing in the pipeline and the house of dreams hanging in the balance we felt like we had no other option to accept the offer! This then fell through months down the line due to lack of communication but we then had another offer of the same value which we accepted and finally completed on. Overall I'd say that TPC really need to work on their customer service, communication and time keeping skills. I had to show every viewing around the property as the estate agents turned up 10/20 minutes late, blaming the traffic each time. I made the brochure and took all the photos myself. I never had any email replied to from them and their sales progression team are truly awful! We also conducted a mystery shop with them, posing as someone who was looking for a fairly new 3 bed house in the area near a school. They came back with 3 houses no one which was ours or even met the criteria stated! Not to mention that the person responding couldn't even put a sentence together correctly! Would avoid at all costs! Can't believe we actually paid thousands for this 'service'!... Read more
25th Feb 2019 (5 years ago)

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Data produced by Land Registry © Crown copyright 2022.

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