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Stoke Property Shop - Stoke On Trent Logo

Stoke Property Shop - Stoke On Trent

130 Boughey Road,Stoke-On-Trent, ST4 2BB
Stoke Property Shop Stoke On Trent are an estate agent in Stoke-on-trent. They mainly list properties in ST4, ST1 and ST6. Over the last 6 months, they've listed 11 properties, with 6 currently on the market. Most of the properties listed have 3 bedrooms. They list properties for sale on Zoopla and OnTheMarket.

Opening hours

  • Monday 9:00am - 5:30pm
  • Tuesday 9:00am - 5:30pm
  • Wednesday 9:00am - 5:30pm
  • Thursday 9:00am - 5:30pm
  • Friday 9:00am - 5:30pm
  • Saturday 10:00am - 2:00pm
  • Sunday Closed
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Stoke Property Shop - Stoke On Trent Reviews (59)

Have you used this agent?
  1. 56% 5/5 Stars
  2. 3% 4/5 Stars
  3. 2% 3/5 Stars
  4. 2% 2/5 Stars
  5. 37% 1/5 Stars

Anonymous Tenant

1/5 Stars
Got my review removed on google because i didn't comment anything which is petty as hell ! so i'll be leaving my comment here with all the legit reviews as they seem to fake and remove any none 5 star reviews from their google account! Leaving a none comment doesnt equal a fake review ( even though my account was anonymous on google doesnt mean its a fake review FYI it was anonymous for reasons i cannot state publicly ) , its weird how im being treated and singled out while literal other reviews have no comments . This further proves to me they are a disguistng company that would only value their customers if you write a 4 or 5 star glowing review. My experience with this company was horrendous , and i continue to experince their horrendous and disguting treatment i will not be using them ever again . I HIGHLY DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS COMPANY unlesss you want to get treated like utter flith by them!... Read more
24th Jul 2023 (10 mo. ago)

Anonymous Tenant

5/5 Stars
We found our first student house with Stoke Property Shop and they've been very helpful. Highly recommended!... Read more
23rd Jul 2023 (10 mo. ago)

Anonymous Tenant

1/5 Stars
WOULD NOT RECOMMEND !!! Rude to their tennants , very unprofessional , made my life a living hell. I've noticed they keep wiping their google reviews and all they do is post fake reviews by their staff or family members just to bump up their score.... Read more
16th Jul 2023 (10 mo. ago)

Anonymous Landlord

5/5 Stars
Good agent! assisted me with my Property.... Read more
14th Jun 2023 (11 mo. ago)

Anonymous Tenant

5/5 Stars
Good Service staff are friendly and kind. Would recommend.... Read more
14th Jun 2023 (11 mo. ago)

Anonymous Tenant

1/5 Stars
One of the worst property shops ive ever been too . Staff were rude and lack professionalism . Houses are poorly maintained . If you'd ask for any repairs they will say they will look into it and just brush you off. Please avoid like the plague... Read more
11th May 2023 (1 year ago)

Anonymous Tenant

5/5 Stars
Got me into a rented property with no problems, fast, friendly and efficient. responded to all maintenance quick and effectively.... Read more
10th May 2023 (1 year ago)

Anonymous Tenant

1/5 Stars
I do not consider Stoke property shop as estate agent. I think they are jokers. They simply lack professionalism that is required in managing estate agency. Most of the houses they deal with are very old and in poor condition with full of damp. I remember the wood flooring was all coming out of place. They sent someone to put black tape all over it in the corridor, instead of repairing. Also, the kitchen tap was leaking, they sent same guy with super glue to fix a broken tap.....Jokers. During snowing season, we slept in the cold for two days without heating and lighting, and my child was only 3years old at the time, but they did not care. We had to report them to the council, and on the same day they sent someone to resolve the issue. The worse of all is that after they have given you troubles, at the end of your tenancy, they will team up with the landlord to try and take most of your deposit, if not the whole amount, even if you leave the property in a better condition than before....They are rip off. I can go on and on, but don't have time to write all that these people put me through. I have dealt with many estate agents, Stoke property shop is by far worse. All they want is your money......Beware, please stay away from them, but if you do not take my warning, then I wish you all the best.... Read more
14th Mar 2023 (1 year ago)

Anonymous Tenant

1/5 Stars
Manager issued a rent increase with only 3 weeks notice instead of the legally required 30 days and staff told me to just pay the increase anyway. A contractor hired to repair a sink did damage to the sink when I was away and when I returned and notified staff about it they blamed me for not notifying them sooner.... Read more
22nd Sep 2022 (1 year ago)

Anonymous Tenant

1/5 Stars
Absolutely disgusting and abhorent behaviour from all members of staff, constantly the threat of extra fees and charges! They treat tenants and students like exploitative bags of money. Leaving a review here as they deleted my (and others') Google reviews and have since removed themselves from Google maps entirely. Cowardly hiding away from honest reviews rather than fixing their service. Never trust these people, you will regret it.... Read more
29th Jun 2022 (1 year ago)

Anonymous Homeseller

1/5 Stars
They were so rude and never let you know about any viewings all the staff were very rude unhelpful people avoid them dearly... Read more
11th Apr 2021 (3 years ago)

R Doddapaneni

1/5 Stars
One of the worst estate agents around. Staff members are so impolite their attitude towards customers is vile.... Read more
29th Sep 2020 (3 years ago)

G Media

1/5 Stars
SPS, in simple terms treat their landlords with absolute bias an impunity in order to maintain their status quo and cash flow (they claim otherwise). They do a great job of welcoming you with smiley faces and all the usual song and dance in order to get you signed up to a house. My experience involved calling up dozens of times for someone to repair the showers (which dripped constantly through my year) toilets which were not fixed to the ground only for them to turn up and fail to do so each and every time. This was the same case with a ceiling roof leak above my bed which took weeks to ammend, under the guise of "having to source professionals" of whome left the mess of broken tiles in the back yard, clearly a lie. They even sent someone out to repair a floorboard who took 2 days to do so and ended up putting a hole in the ceiling, im unsure if SPS hire this "repair team" but they are a joke. I also made a note to myself of the bed in the room I was staying in, was bent out of shape (this is very soon after moving in) and I naively didn't call this up due to the incompetence of the team for any other issue that arose, the bed caused no issues and I assume that this was already noted by the landlord and deemed fit for purpose, upon the end of my tennancy the Stoke Property Shop team saw fit that a fine of £390 for the year was justified, £100 for the bed (which broke due to the fact it was bent prior to me moving in), a general clean price of £100 and cleaning marks off the walls at £30 a go, despite the fact that these marks fell well under wear and tear and thus should be exempt from the charges. Upon my argument that the bed was weakened prior. Due to a lack of photographic evidence they held strong and their "unbiased" facade fell flat. They had the audacity to tell me the house was renovated when anyone with a modicum of integrity would tell you how barebones the house was, furnished with the finest a charity shop black friday sale can offer. Charging for general wear and tear and now a bed that, if the landlord was honest would confess was already structually compromised. After posing valid points over an over again the professional and friendly side of the SPS team shined through. They state from the beginning that they act as a middle man for the landlord, when they clearly set up arguments and defences for the landlord that take advantage of naieve students (such as myself at the time). After myself constantly arguing valid cases which went around in circles, they decided to provide me with a "goodwill gesture" and knock £90 off the fine, this was clearly described as a goodwill gesture in order to deny any fault if the matter went further, that same email went on to insult us as tennants stating "we made more of a mess in 5 months than the previous tennants did in 11", reading this (which is a lie anyway) and realising they couldn't even count that late August to NEXT June is more than 5 months I accepted their goodwill gesture and left it as they clearly cant be reasoned with and were simply wasting my time. Here is the bottom line should you decide to go with stoke property shop: - They have some dishonest landlords with them, landlords that take deposit money for issues and don't fix them. This was clearly apparent regarding the leak I had, my bent bed, the shower and toilet. This is a fact. If you go to view the houses make sure that you ask the current tennants about the situation. - Take pictures of EVERYTHING, no matter how small of minute have about 100 - 200 pictures of any crack, scrape mark or dent as you don't know which thing that they will claim on. And report ALL of it over phone and email so there is a record to cover youself, dont feel like your being annoying because if you miss a problem they are liable to pick up on it and charge you. These guys have a name for themselves around the university area in person that suggests a much lower rating than the handful of reviews on this page. SPS try and extract deposit money simply to make their client (the landlord) happy.... Read more
21st Aug 2020 (3 years ago)


1/5 Stars
WOULD NOT RECOMMEND - This agency does NOT care at all about the student that it provides accommodation to. TL;DR - You'll have a better experience with a private landlord as they survive and thrive from word-of-mouth and taking care of their students. Stoke Property Shop has no interest in ensuring that your student experience goes smoothly, they are solely focused on claiming every penny possible from their tenants. Property had many issues, and during the global pandemic, NO CONSIDERATION was given to those who had complications. In-house disputes are "not their responsibility" and students are told that "your student loan is provided to pay for accommodation" (which is NOT true for student studying post graduates as we have a singular loan that covers tuition AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Need to leave the property to be with your High Risk family? You'll still be paying 100% of the rent, and 100% of bills for resources you will not be using. Do the best you can to leave the property in a state where no claims need to be done on the deposit? If your housemates create issues past when you leave, that's your problem too - regardless of evidence that you have made that effort. Using Stoke Property Shop as an agent has negatively impacted my student experience for my masters year, for my undergraduate I went through a private landlord - I would recommend all to do the same. See image: Landlord claiming £35 for cleaning from a student that hadn't accessed the property for an entire semester, after still expecting the FULL £1150+ for rent and bills on a property not accessed for that entire semester. Please note - knowingly did this to a Masters student, whom does not get a separate tuition loan and maintenance loan, meaning this money was taken out of the money required to pay tuition.... Read more
28th Jul 2020 (3 years ago)


5/5 Stars
Been amazing for past 2 years using SPS for housing always quick response with any queries would recommend them over all property agency's in Stoke ????... Read more
25th Jul 2020 (3 years ago)

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